
Use Kosher Salt

Lesson 2

I know, it is important to minimize our salt intake, however let me make a case for Kosher Salt. When you make the decision to cook at home and purchase organic ingredients, you are already minimizing your salt intake substantially. Ready-made box food is laden with tons of salt, so simply deciding to cook a meal from scratch is a step in the right direction towards reducing your salt intake.

Kosher Salt has a coarser grain, so it does contain less sodium by volume than table salt. You tend to use less salt when you season with Kosher Salt because the grains are larger, so a pinch feels like more in your fingers. Also, when adding Kosher Salt, I always feel like a chef, I keep my Kosher Salt in a cute container by my stove and reaching into that container feels much more chef-like than simply measuring out table salt...So boring! 🙂 

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